5 Common segmentation mistakes of customer segmentation

Marketing Tech
January 29, 2023

Customer segmentation is one of the most important steps in launching a successful e-commerce business. It allows you to focus your marketing efforts on the right customers, making sure that your message resonates with them and drives sales. However, it can also be easy to make mistakes when segmenting customers - after all, there are so many different criteria to consider. In this blog post, we’ll look at five common segmentation mistakes that e-commerce businesses tend to make and how you can avoid them.

Lack of customer focus

When it comes to segmentation, ecommerce businesses often make the mistake of failing to put their customers first. This can manifest in a number of ways, such as failing to properly understand customer needs and desires, or failing to invest in creating a great customer experience. As a result, businesses end up segmenting their customers in ways that are not necessarily aligned with what would actually create the most value for them. In short, they lose sight of the fact that segmentation should be about understanding and serving customers better, not just about dividing them up into neat groups.

Inconsistent customer definitions

Inconsistent customer definitions is one of the most common segmentation mistakes made in e-commerce market. When analysts create segments, they use different criteria and methodologies which lead to inconsistent and incomparable results. For example, one analyst may consider income as a defining factor while another may consider geographic location. This can make it difficult to compare and contrast different segments, making it more difficult to create an effective marketing strategy.

Not personalizing messages

When it comes to customer segmentation in e-commerce, one of the most common mistakes is not personalizing messages. This can be a big mistake, as customers are more likely to engage with and buy from brands that they feel are speaking directly to them.

There are a few different ways that you can personalize messages for your customers. First, you can segment your customers based on their location. This way, you can send them messages that are relevant to their location, such as local events or deals.

Another way to personalize messages is to segment your customers based on their purchase history. This way, you can send them messages about products or services that they may be interested in based on what they have bought in the past.

Finally, you can also segment your customers based on their demographics. This includes factors like age, gender, income, and more. By segmenting your customers based on these factors, you can send them messages that are tailored to their specific needs and interests.

Personalizing messages for your customers is a great way to increase engagement and sales. If you're not doing it already, make sure to start personalizing your messages today!

Not enough data

When it comes to segmenting their customers, e-commerce businesses often make the mistake of relying on too little data. This can lead to them making inaccurate assumptions about their customers and ultimately alienating them.

To avoid this, businesses need to ensure that they are collecting as much data as possible about their customers. This data can come from a variety of sources, such as website analytics, customer surveys, and social media data. Once this data is collected, businesses need to take the time to analyze it and look for patterns. Only then will they be able to accurately segment their customers.

Over-reliance on a single method

There are many ways to segment a customer base, but e-commerce businesses often make the mistake of relying too heavily on a single method. This can lead to problems down the line, as businesses may find that their segments are no longer accurate or relevant.

To avoid this pitfall, it's important to use a variety of methods to segment your customers. This will give you a more well-rounded view of your customer base and help you better understand their needs.

Some common methods of customer segmentation include demographics, psychographics, and behavioral data. It's important to use all of these methods in tandem to get the most accurate picture of your customers.

If you only focus on one method, you run the risk of making inaccurate assumptions about your customers. This can lead to problems with your marketing strategy and product development down the road. By using multiple methods of segmentation, you can be sure that you're getting a true picture of who your customers are and what they want from your business.

Not being aware of changes

Not being aware of changes is one of the most common segmentation mistakes of customer segmentation in e-commerce market. The data that was used to create the original segments may no longer be accurate, so it is important to keep track of changes in customer behavior and update the segments accordingly. Additionally, new customers may not fit into any of the existing segments, so it is important to create new segments as needed.

The importance of customer segmentation

In e-commerce, customer segmentation is the process of dividing customers into groups based on shared characteristics. Segmentation allows businesses to target specific groups of customers with tailored products and marketing messages.

However, many businesses make mistakes when segmenting their customers. These mistakes can lead to inefficiencies and wasted resources.

Here are some common mistakes businesses make when segmenting their customers:

1. Not Defining the Segments Clearly

When segmenting customers, it is important to clearly define the criteria for each segment. Without clear definitions, it will be difficult to identify which customers belong in which segments. Additionally, without clear definitions it will be difficult to measure the performance of each segment.

2. Overlapping Segments

Another mistake businesses make is creating segments that overlap with each other. This often happens when businesses try to create too many segments or when they use broad criteria for their segments. Overlapping segments can cause confusion and make it difficult to target specific groups of customers.

3. Failing to Test Segments

Before using customer segments, businesses should test them to ensure they are effective. Testing involves developing hypotheses about how each segment will respond to different marketing strategies and then measuring the results. testing helps businesses avoid wasted resources on ineffective segments.


  1. Over-generalization: Segmenting customers into broad groups like "millennials" or "Gen X" without considering individual needs and behaviors.
  2. Lack of Relevance: Not considering customer behaviors and preferences relevant to the product/brand.
  3. Ignoring Customer Feedback: Not considering customer feedback and ignoring customer complaints, which could help improve the customer experience.
  4. Failing to Test and Validate Segments: Not validating segments through customer data, surveys or focus groups.
  5. Not Re-Evaluating Segments: Not regularly reviewing and updating segments based on changes in customer behavior or market trends.